what is mbt?

what is mbt

what is mbt?

The MBT prescription was introduced in 1997 and quickly established itself as one of the most popular bracket prescriptions on the market. The main differences with other bracket prescriptions are Increased palatal root torque in the upper central incisor brackets (Andrews: 7 degrees, Roth: 12 degrees, and MBT: 17 degrees)  Increased palatal root torque in the upper lateral incisor brackets (Andrews: 3 degrees, Roth: 8 degrees, and MBT: 10 degrees) Increased lingual crown torque in the lower incisor brackets (Andrews: −1 degrees, Roth: −1 degrees, and MBT: −6 degrees)  Decreased tip in the upper canine brackets (Andrews: 11 degrees, Roth: 13 degrees, and MBT: 8 degrees).The developers of the appliance claim that the increased palatal root torque in the upper incisors improves the under-torqued appearance produced by other prescriptions and the increased labial root torque in the lower incisor counteracts the forward tipping during leveling (McLaughlin et al., 2001). To date, there have been no scientific studies to support these claims.

Several studies have shown the variations in torque values of teeth achieved following treatment with pre-adjusted edgewise appliances (Dellinger, 1978; Vardimon and Lambertz, 1986; Ugur and Yukay, 1997). Kattner and Schneider (1993) found no differences in the ideal tooth relationship index when they compared the study models of patients treated using a Roth prescription pre-adjusted edgewise appliance with those treated using a standard edgewise appliances. Ugur and Yukay (1997) found no differences in the objectively measured torque values between cases treated using standard edgewise and a pre-adjusted Roth prescription appliance.

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