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Is it too late to start orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic appliances are not just for children, but can be used at any age, provided the dental and periodontal are healthy. If the patient has an orthognatic problem, it is better to start treatment before puberty, and if the patient presents with an orthognatic problem after puberty, he will need both orthodontics and surgery. If the patient has a dental malocclusion, as long as there are no periodontal problems, fixed orthodontic treatment can be performed at any time. However, it is still preferable for the patient to consult for dental malocclusions before puberty

Are pregnant women permitted to have orthodontics?

Orthodontics and pregnancy have no direct or adverse effects on each other; This means that pregnancy does not directly harm orthodontics and orthodontics is not considered a risk to pregnancy.

However, it should be noted that during pregnancy, hormonal changes occur that affect the periodontal tissue, as well as the mood and mental state of the pregnant woman. Therefore, it is possible that due to mild depression or other problems during pregnancy, the person may not follow the oral hygiene (toothbrush and…) properly.

It may be due to hormonal changes and its effect on the periodontal area and lack of hygiene, inflammation and many problems in the gingiva, which affects orthodontics and the health of the gingiva.

Another point is that pregnant patients have forbiddance of taking radiography in the first trimester of pregnancy and for tooth extraction in the first and last trimester of pregnancy.

Therefore, if the patient acts with planning and careful cooperation, there will be no problem in terms of “orthodontics during pregnancy”

Best time for orthodontic treatment?

The American Dental Association considers the best time for dental examinations to be 7 years old and the best time to start orthodontics after diagnosis, depending on the needs of 8-9 years old, because at this age the range of growth and dental eruptions can be detected. The shape of the teeth or even their health is diagnosed at the best time.

At this age, due to the beginning of the eruption of the molars, the dentist has the ability to evaluate the condition and formation of the teeth and can easily identify where the upper and lower jaws will be in relation to being back and forth.

Treatment time depends on the type of malocclusion, the severity of the problem. If the patient is younger, treatment will be easier, shorter and more successful. In patients with orthognatic problems, the patient must be examined before puberty. 9 years old is usually the best time for boys and 8 years old for girls. But depending on the type of malocclusion, it can be done earlier. In other words, in some cases, treatment should be started even earlier than 8-9 years old, which is determined by the type of malocclusion.

How long will orthodontic treatment take?

The duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of the dentofacial problems, the patient’s age, and his cooperation with the orthodontist.

The average duration of orthodontic treatment is about 2 years and in some cases the treatment may take up to several years and on average patients are examined every 4 to 6 weeks.

What is the emergency time during orthodontics?

If the orthodontic appliance breaks or is lost, or if the bracket breaks for any reason or any problem arises for them due to improper tooth movement and damage to the periodontal tissues, the patient should call immediately for this issue.

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